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OLD little lady and the golfers!

Posted by Dinesh Thakur 15 Apr 2015
A little old lady was walking down the street dragging two large plastic garbage bags behind her. One of the bags was ripped and every once in awhile a $20 bill fell out onto the sidewalk.

Noticing this, a policeman stopped her, and said, "Ma'am, there are $20 bills falling out of that bag."
"Oh, really? Darn it!" said the little old lady. "I'd better go back and see if I can find them. Thanks for telling me, Officer."
"Well, now, not so fast," said the cop.
" Where did you get all that money? You didn't steal it, did you?"
"Oh, no, no", said the old lady."You see, my back yard is right next to a golf course. A lot of golfers come and pee through a knot hole in my fence, right into my flower garden. It used to really tick me off. Kills the flowers, you know. Then I thought, 'why not make the best of it?' So, now, I stand behind the fence by the knot hole, real quiet, with my hedge clippers. Every time some guy sticks his thing through my fence, I surprise him, grab hold of it and say, 'O.K., buddy! Give me $20 or off it comes!'

"Well, that seems only fair," said the cop, laughing. "OK. Good luck! Oh, by the way, what's in the other bag?"

"Not everybody pays."
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    Ajai Kumar Brahmawar 23 Feb 2016

    Not really, it's a universal phenomena. Only the methodology, coverability & locational preference differs. AKB

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    Arunesh Madan 16 Apr 2015

    Good one! I thouughrt this habit of peeing any where is prevalent only in our country.

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