IMPROVE SAND PLAY: The best way to find ones way out of a sand-trap is to hit the ball with the kind of force you would use to otherwise roll it from that position to near the pin. Technically, what is required is for the golfer to keep an open stance, weight evenly distributed on both feet and play ball an inch forward of center. It is vital to keep the club face open while executing this shot. While the swing should be a three-quarter effort the chest should ideally turn away from the target during the back-swing and rotate towards it while executing the shot. Rotating the chest through the swing essentially helps get over the problem of leaving the ball in the sand. In case you are confronted with a plugged lie, concentrate your weight on the left foot to let the club dig into the sand. Play the ball in the middle with a square club face and shaft leaning toward target. It is essential NOT to swing hard as the harder you hit a golf ball the less effective the shot is going to be. In case of a fairway bunker shot, it is advisable to take a longer iron, maybe an eight or nine iron and make a relaxed pivot and full follow-through.