Are you a beginner who doesn’t want to get weighed down by the pressure of learning and playing Golf effectively? We bring you some quick and easy golf tips that can help you navigate through the challenges that you come across as a beginner.


Practice smarter and not harder


golf tips


If you think just practising harder can make you a pro at Golf, then you are off the radar. A Golfer should aim at practicing smarter and not harder. Great practice means having a particular target to practice and not beat around the bush. And that's only feasible if you have clarity about your strengths and areas of improvements. Don't make your presence felt at the driving range and just randomly knock balls around. Go with a plan, pick targets and execute shots.



Go for the right and good Golf Club choices  


golf tips


When you embark on your golf journey, it can indeed be daunting. Unlike other sports, you just cannot have a simple racket and a ball. Golfers need to have a driver, a putter, irons and a wedge or two to even play the game at a basic level. That’s why discovering the ideal set of golf clubs for a beginner is so mandatory.


Two things should impact your decision on whether to use a driver or a 3-wood off the tee:



Improve your game by fixing your Slice


golf swing hard


Most slices are caused by an "over the top" swing; that is, a swing that approaches the ball on an outside-to-inside swing path. Open clubfaces at impact are another common cause.


Drawing the ball comes from your setup position. The main keys are:



These fundamentals should help you produce a shot that goes right to left (for right-handers).


Once you know how to play Golf effectively, you can boost your chances of becoming a better, faster and stronger player.


(With inputs from