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The weather change needs coring on the greens and fairways ... even Noida Golf Course has been cored last week. I would recommend Army Golf Course .... Its playing very well ... as the course has open after 2 weeks of maintanence ... Any time after 10am is recommended... else you will not get tee off.
Yes Puneet, Played at Lado. Almost all Greens have been cored. The Temporary greens are no greens at all. They are just cut fairways! Ur are any day better off palying at Karma. At least everything is working there. Course is Playing very true at karma. Its a delight playing there. I have enjoyed every time I have played that course in the last 1 year that I have been going there.
very true ashok ji, i am lucky in this case as i am hitting the ball straight in fairways and i have played past 5 sundays @ lado dint lost even a single ball......i also heard that qutab golf course greens are being cored..... i guess v should go to karmalakeland only for time being......
For the Players at Lado Sarai. TheFairways are now playing better. Yet some of the roughs are raelly haevy & if one Strays a bit too much there is still achance of losing a ball or two! The greena are still slow and some fast like the 7th,9th & 18th. It will I guess take another 15/20 days before the course starts palying much more truer! Among the Boutique Coursesin the NCR, i simply love Karmalakelands, TERI and Tarudhan Valley all near Gurgaon. They are wonderful Executive courses, challenging Par3's and one can finish 9 holes in 1.5 hrs and get to work. Really require different skill sets and are not Wham bang variety where one can be macho and get results!
now my 4ball has planed to play in other courses. we played last sunday @ karmalakeland manesar golf course very nice fairways
Puneet, Have written this morning in the Suggestions register. Also about soggy approach area to greens on hole no.3,5,6,8,11,12,14,16,17. This problems persists. Also fairway roughs are also very heavy. Ball gets lost there. all of us should put our notings. Asst Secy. has already been spoken to Due to rain the land is spongy so grass cutting machines cant move without creating depressions. Yet they need to cut fairways almost everyday like other courses. Lets all make efforts.