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How to increase the appeal of Golf?

Posted by Priyanka S 02 Aug 2017
How do we get more people to discover and play Golf? 

Can a powerful source help increase the lure of golf or multiple 1st time tour/ major winners can play a major role in promoting the game. 

Or there's a need to make the game faster and a less difficult one? 

How about attracting young talent by organizing more Junior Golf championships?

Please share your thoughts on the same. 
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    Dinesh Thakur 02 Aug 2017

    lets start by opening government golf courses for the public ... all government owned land golf courses, should be like Qutab Golf course with walkin green fee for Indians as affordable. This fee should be broadly standard ... and not like Delhi golf course at Rs. 8000 on weekends.

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    Navjot Kang 02 Aug 2017

    There is no doubt that the game is time consuming 3-6 hours depending how many are playing and how serious (but real golfers dont really care :)). But to your point I feel there is no one thing that will increase the has to be multiple factors - not sure if #making a 20-20 version will increase the appeal? #a few more role modals like Tiger Woods (home grown desi like Jeev/SSP/Anirban/Bhullar, etc) will increase the appeal? #India government recognizing Golf as a sport and creating public golf courses with affordable green fees will increase the appeal? #the availability of world class golf equipment at affordable pricing will increase the appeal? #the PGTI/IGU having more tournaments and bigger prize money so that golfers can financially sustain through that will increase the appeal? #more sponsership from Corporate houses encouraging amateur and professional golf will increase the appeal? #creating concepts like TopGolf in the US wherein the golf is not only a professional sport but recreational/for entertainment and even non-golfers can have fun..will increase the appeal? So has to be multiple factors and it starts from US. Golfers need to put it all together to show the government that its a welcoming sport and not just a rich man's game!

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