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The online Tee off bookings on for Qutab Golf Course is going through a change. Effective this friday tee off sheet, a member will only be able to book a slot with 2 / 3 other golfers who are also members.
The booking of casual pay and play golfers, they should pre-pay the 4ball green fee at the course by thursday of that weekend game.
Next friday onwards... the starter sheet will open from 5:15am ... for the on course issues... you will have to put your grievances at the course.. cheers
They seem to have moved official T off ti 05.22 but Booking sheets still say 05.30. Kindly enlighten? 3rd, 8th, 14th 17th holes, the approach area is very soggy always. ball does not move at all after landing. Can something be done by the Ground staff!?