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That bit is correct but the question still remains can you adjust the ball once you leave it whilst the marker is in place. As per 20-4 the answer is No.
when your ball is on the putting green it is in play still you are permitted to mark and lift the ball . if you replace the ball and remove the marker you can again lift the ball by marking it.
See it this way As per rule 20-4 the ball is in play the moment you leave your hand. There have been decisions where you can even putt with the marker not removed. Decisions 20-4/1 further has that after replacing the ball and the marker not removed if the ball moves due to wind the ball should be played from its new position. This means the marker in place is of no consequence and the ball is in play the moment you leave it. In pro tours you can watch players to keep aligning as;long as it takes but leave the ball just once.
you can touch it as many time as you want as long the marker is in place.
Clarify rule 20-4. Once you replace the ball on the putting green and leave it can you touch it again when the marker is still in position or does it amount to ball moved. Thats the link you need to follow and go to the 5th page of the pdf that opens.
pl tell me about schools of IGU and RA conducting clasess/lesssons on golf rules