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:-) .. Manvendra, the 1st nine holes are considered as the 1st half and the back nine is the 2nd half ... however, when the 2nd nine starts, the score of the 1st nine become the matches as well. The final score of the 1st half as assured winnings. Forget the 3 halves, just remember that in the auto press scoring the "0" is an open number and does not belong to any of the teams. The "0" also means that it is ready to be won by any of the teams.
This is amazingly confusing, isn't a half supposed to 1/2 of a full. How can anything logical have 3 halves...?
Sameer, In the 2,4,2,0 score ... only the 2,4,2 is the which is in opponents favor ... the lat digit "0" is neutral at the moment. If you are playing Rs. 10 a half ... then it is 3 halves X Rs. 10... which is Rs. 30.
how 2,4,2,0 in opponent favour will make u loose 30 if the score is2,4,2,0 dinesh could u pls elaborate
Dear N .... you 1st halve of the question is absolutely correct... you will be 4 halves and 5 halves up... as per your score shown. Assuming the score given is in your favor 3-1-3-1-1 & 0-2-0 (with no score of the 1st halve) ... then you will Rs.20X 3 matches (as the last 2 ones get canceled) and 1 halve X Rs 10.... which comes to Rs. 70 in total.. Cheers
Dear Dinesh, We usually open with 1-1-1 and then continue scores. My query is at the turn let's say 9th hole, our score is 4-2-4-2-0 does it imply 4 halves in our favour? And if the score was 5-3-5-3-1 will it mean 5 halves in our favour at the turn? Also, on the 18th hole our score is 3-1-3-1-1 and 0-2-0 What will be the total halves/matches won by us vs opponents and how do we multiply with money if we are playing 10-10-20. Thanks
You can also try the 2-1 (for teams) or the 4-2-0 (for a 3 ball). 2-1 has 2 matches per hole... team A scores 3 & 4 on a par 4 and team B scores 4 & 5 on the same hole means that first match of 2 points has been Won by the Team A player who hit the birdie against the opponent who made par, and Team A player who scores 4 beats the opponent scoring a 5. Team A P1 & P2 score 3 on par 3 and Team B P1 & P2 score 3 & 4 resp... gives 1 point to Team A. First match of 2 points drawn and 2nd match of 1 point won by Team A. Hope you can use this...
Vishi... your usderstanding of 1,1,1 or 0,2,0 is not correct ... if a golfer wins and the score opens with 0,2,0 ... it means that there are 3 halves open in the 1st 9 hole score... 1st half is nutrual as it is a zero, 2nd half is a 2 and is in the favor of the winner, and last half is also a zero ... which is nutral. .. if the same team wins again on the next hole... the score will go to 1,3,1 .. which means the winning team is 3 halves UP in the 1st 9 hole score...if the same team wins again, it will go to 2,4,2,0 ... 0 is neutral ... after the 1st 9 holes ... if the same team wins the 10th hole... the score will be 3,5,3,1 and 0,2,0 .... 3,5,3,1 is the score of the matches.... 0,2,0 is the score of the 2nd 9 holes... and the 2,4,2,0 is the score of the 1st 9 holes...SORRY, ITS COMPLICATED.. :-)
dinesh, thanks for the prompt response. i want to know how you keep scores when we follow autopress - every two holes you begin a new match - also, my understanding is that if we start 1,1,1 - means 1 hole won, first 9 score is 1, match score is 1. if we follow, 0,2,0 - how does this translate. Please give me the basic arithmetic so that if i maintain these system of scoring, i can explain to my fellow golfers. My friend Gowri is the one who used to maintain this for us back in India. Now, i want to do the same for my friends when i play in US. Thanks in advance. regards
Vishi, to explain the way we have ben playing for so many years .... In an AUTO PRESS, the 1st winning hole can open with a score of 0,2,0 or 2,0,2,0 or 1,1,1 in favor of the winner. These are different score opening styles and they have different impacts to your final score. So if you start with 0,2,0 and the same team or person wins the next hole ... the score with go to 1,3,1 ... if the team wins again it goes to 2,4,2,0 ... remember, a 0 opens if a 2 appears in the end. The 0 donates that it is nutral and the loosing team has an option to make that score in its favour. Basically, this system helps the loosing team to recover, BUT last 4 holes are very important.. :-)
dinesh, can you please explain in little more detail the auto press - what is the meaning of 0,2,0 - how does it then become, 1,3,1 thx for your help, regards vishi
Its called the 'AUTO PRESS' or '0,2,0' format. You decide the stakes of the front 9, back 9 and the match play. The front 9 score converts to the Match score in the back 9. Assuming you loose hole no. 1... the score opens as 0,2,0 in your opponents favor. If you loose hole no. 2... the score moves to 1,3,1. If you also loose the 3th hole the score will move to 2,4,2,0 ... Please see this numbers are just digits.. they have to addition or multiple value. If you had decided to play Rs.10 on the front 9 ... and your score after the 9th was 2,4,2,0 if favor of your opponents .... then you are Rs. 30 - down. ... :-)
thanks.. this one seems simple n nice! how about the complex one which follows like 1-0-0-0 and then becomes 3-0-0-0 or 3-0-1-0 etc. Thats the real tricky one i haven't been able to get an idea of..
Anurag, let me start with one of the formats called "LAS LEGAS" Or "MONTE CARLO". This is a foreball scoring format, where a team of two each is made. On each hole, the score of each team is noted and then the lower score in a team is given the TEN's position and the higher score team mates score is given the UNIT's. E.g: We are in a team, you shoot a PAR and I shoot a 1 over on a par 4. Our team score is 45. The same score is calculated of the other team. The team with lower total points at the end of the game, wins by the X points margin.