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Personally, I have not liked so much of Media coverage given to a personal issue of a player like Tiger Woods. Interestingly, an Indian newspaper covered a HALF page coverage on the Tiger Woods personal life tragedy/ problems. In my two years of covering golf through, I have never seen Media giving so much attention to GOLF, or should I, peeping into the personal life of the world's best golfer? Won't this affect his game? Howcome, now the Indian Mass media like the newspapers and TV channels do not think that GOLF is too small a game in India to cover? Why don't we have HALF page articles on Indian golfers like Jeev, Jyoti, or Bhullar?
I would like to open a discussion on should Media give so much importance to personal lives PROBLEMS of Sportspersons .... more than to their Professional Game? And what do our members think? On average, are golfers interested in such news?