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Why Sahith Theegala, of Indian descent, will be in top 5 position of US Open 2024 ?

Posted by Divyanshu Sahu 12 Jun 2024

There's a buzz around Sahith Theegala, and for good reason. The young Indian-American golfer has been on fire this season, racking up Top 10 finishes and showcasing his talent on the biggest stages. The upcoming US Open 2024 at Pinehurst Golf Course, presents a golden opportunity for Theegala to make a major splash. Here's why he has a shot at cracking the Top 5:

  • Hot Hand: Theegala's consistency is undeniable. His five Top 10s this season, including two runner-up finishes, demonstrate his ability to contend and close out strong tournaments. He could ride it all the way to a Top 5 finish at the US Open.

Previous Performances: Theegala has shown well in the big leagues. Rose to the top 11 position in Official World Golf Ranking, he finished T12 at the PGA Championship this year and T27 at the US Open in 2023.

  • Mental Fortitude: Pressure situations don't faze Theegala. He's known for his composure and focus under the spotlight, a crucial quality for the high-stakes environment of the US Open. His ability to stay calm and collected under pressure could be the difference between a Top 5 finish and a disappointing showing.

  • Matching Skills to the Course: While Theegala hasn't played Pinehurst No. 2 before, his skillset seems well-suited for the typical US Open layout. His precise ball-striking will be valuable for hitting tight fairways and controlling his distances. The potentially windy conditions often seen at the US Open could also benefit Theegala, who is known for his strategic course management.

Do you think Theegala has what it takes to crack the Top 5? Will his inexperience at Pinehurst No. 2 outweigh his recent hot streak? Share your thoughts and predictions below!

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