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senior orthopaedic surgeon
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Dr.Shrish Dutt Mishra is a Senior Consultant Orthopaedic
Surgeon attached visiting consultant orthopedic surgery with Indraprastha Apollo hospital , has a medical degree from Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College. He have done Masters in Orthopaedic Surgery, Diploma in Orthopaedic Surgery and MCH in Orthopaedic
Surgery. MY special interest are in treatments of Sports Injuries. Golfing bug took me to take advance technical training from St Andrews
school of golf England and Golf Injury Specialist certification
[California]. Fortunate to be very few surgeons in India to be trained in
the Regenerative Medicine and Cell transplant for Bone and Cartilage from on invite oration on
Golf Injury prevention have been encouraging
Golf injury is just another variety of repeated
strains injury. These repeated strains /sprains cause increased pain either due
to pre-existing factors as age or previous problem/injury. The major reasons
for such injuries are; incorrect exercise schedule, inflexibility,
unconditioned body or poor swing mechanics. Common are low back pain, elbow pain,
wrist pain shoulder pain. Therefore unless the treating professional takes care
of all these contributing factors, complete solution may not be achieved. understanding of the biomechanics of the golf swing is
helpful in better diagnoses and management.
Since i am passionate golfer its little easy to see the problem from a player’s point of view. This forum is just one of the endeavor to promote safe golfing,
Date Of Birth: May 07, 1969
Playing Since:
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