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Yes, absolutely. Moreover, Golf needs to be made accessible to school going children by way having more golf courses and providing golf equipment at affordable prices. At the National and State level, we need to initiate structured Junior and Amateur golfer development programmes backed with scholarship/sponsorship and tie-ups with Universities abroad that already have scholarships for golfers. Last but not the least the faculty at academic institutions and parents need to accept the fact that golf is a promising career and no longer a gamble.
I think a child can start an any age provided that the environment that you create for them is one of fun. I have seen many 2 and 3 year olds take to golf with plastic clubs and balls and have a blast whacking away. You need to get them to look at golf as any other sport and make it like a once a week activity. In time your child will start asking for more which is when you get them to play more. Allow them to learn on their own by watching others and don't get them any sort of training. Something that most parents cannot resist. Let them engage in self discovery and your job is only to keep them safe.
I don’t think it’s always realistic to think that a three-year-old kid can pick up the game. Yes, Tiger Woods did pick up the game when he was just two, but all of us are not Tiger Woods. Most of the kids lack the attention span or coordination to play golf at such a tender age. I feel one should take up the game of Golf at a minimum age of 5 years.